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Some products claim that dimethylamylamine naturally comes from rose geranium oil. Supplements that contain this ingredient sometimes list rose geranium, geranium oil, or geranium stems on the label. However, laboratory analysis shows that this drug probably does not come from this natural source. It is thought that these manufacturers have artificially added this drug to the supplement rather than obtaining it from a natural source. Dimethylamylamine is considered a drug in Canada and is not permitted in dietary supplements or natural health products.
Many athletes take dimethylamylamine to improve performance. However, dimethylamylamine was added to the World Anti-Doping Agency's prohibited substances list in 2010. Therefore, competitive athletes should avoid taking it.
Due to safety concerns, dimethylamylamine has been removed from military stores in the US. It has also been banned in New Zealand. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers supplements containing dimethylamylamine to be illegal. Its use has been linked to several reports of serious, life-threatening side effects.

Dimethylamphetamine has weaker stimulant effects than amphetamine or methamphetamine and is considerably less addictive.Dimethylamphetamine has occasionally been found in illicit methamphetamine laboratories, but is usually an impurity rather than the desired product. It may be produced by accident when methamphetamine is synthesised by methylation of amphetamine if the reaction temperature is too high or an excess of methylating agent is used.

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