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Hawaiian baby woodrose is UNSAFE. It can cause side effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, hallucinations, blurred vision, dilated pupils, rapid movement of eyeballs, sweating, fast heart rate, and increased blood pressure. It's UNSAFE to use Hawaiian baby woodrose if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. Don't use it.

Morning glory vines are both decoration and pervasive pest, but people may not be aware that a compound in the seeds of these plants is associated with drug effects similar to that of LSD. Morning glory seeds contain alkaloids, which some may attempt to consume for a legal high. The primary psychoactive substance in the morning glory plant is ergine, or D-lysergic acid amide (LSA). The intoxicating effects of LSA are somewhat like the effects of D-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD); however, side effects may be more severe. Seeds of the morning glory plant have been used since ancient times in ritual ceremonies. For example, the Maya used the plant in a beverage to facilitate communication with the spirits to predict the future or to come to an understanding of otherwise incomprehensible events. Though eating morning glory flowers may not be directly toxic, in large enough quantities, consuming the seeds can lead to diarrhea and hallucinations. A concentrated LSA extract may be abused by some. Many online drug forums provide discussions about extracting botanical LSA for recreational use, especially from an even more potent source than morning glories, the Hawaiian Baby Woodrose plant.

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, Argyreia nervosa, a perennial climbing vine that belongs to the same family, Convolvulaceae, as Morning Glory. Hawaiian Baby Woodrose, also called Elephant Creeper or Wooly Morning Glory, is native to southern India, but now found worldwide, and in particular Hawaii (duh), Africa, and the Caribbeans - tropical locales. By just about any definition, it's a pretty plant that is often prized for its beauty, but like Morning Glory, can be invasive. But this isn't what makes Hawaiian Baby Woodrose interesting.
The alkaloid ergine, also known as d-lysergic acid amide (LSA), is present in Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds, along with many other alkaloids. Total alkaloid content in the seeds is about 1%, with ergine and its isomer constituting about 50% of that. It is similar in structure to the non-natural, synthetic d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) that most of us are familiar with. Just by looking at the structures you could make the reasonable guess that they would have similar hallucinogenic effects, and you'd be right. Not exactly the same - there's a reason why people make LSD - but close.
In case you are wondering, no, you can't make LSD from Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds in your kitchen, no matter what the internet tells you.

Hawaiian baby woodrose is a climbing vine with large furry seeds which grow in pods. The seeds are light brown or tan in colour and contain a powerful hallucinogen LSA (lysergic acid amide), similar to LSD. You can be swallow them whole or crush them and mix with hot water to make a tea. These seeds have long been used in religious ceremonies in Hawaii and parts of South America.
Short-term effects:
- Effects begin after an hour and typically last for 4-8 hours
- Your perceptions of time, sounds and vision change
- Euphoria - extreme happiness
- Extreme tiredness
Long-term effects:
- Flashbacks
- You risk psychological disturbance if you use heavily
- Indifference and apathy
- Decreased psychomotor activity
- You may feel like you're sinking into nothingness
- Tiredness, desire to sleep
- Feelings of unreality
Other dangers:
- Overdose of Hawaiian baby woodrose may cause a psychotic episode

Numerous pre-Columbian cultures have used plants containing LSA for rituals and spirit walking for thousands of years. The contemporary rediscovery of these sacred plants was in 1941 when Richard Schultes described morning glory use among Mexican Native Americans.
LSD and LSA share a common precursor, but differ in the way they perform as psychedelics. Each compound behaves differently in the human brain, and the effects can vary from person to person. Generally speaking though, each drug provides emotional and spiritual intensity, with LSD providing substantially more visual hallucinations and synesthesia. A fundamental difference can be you. Each drug will sustain different effects on different people. Some people don't like LSA, claiming that nausea, vertigo, lack of visuals, and sedation aren't worth the effort. Others argue quite the opposite, citing intense visuals with very little sedation, and an experience not unlike LSD. The effects of LSA generally include mild sedation, mild visual hallucinations, and a unique psychedelic experience. Nausea, headaches, and gas are the negative side effects of LSA; although, these are largely attributed to the menu of other alkaloids and unfriendly compounds present in the seeds. Don't overdo it with eating seeds, they can make you quite sick.

Although LSA is illegal in some countries, various seeds which contain it are readily available in many gardening stores. However, the seeds from commercial sources are often coated in some form of pesticide or methylmercury which can result in extreme nausea and bodily discomfort if ingested. Methods for cleaning or de-coating the seeds are available, but are typically ineffective.

Cluster Headaches:
Alkaloids in seeds know to contain LSA may be effective in aborting cluster attacks, termination cluster periods, and extending remission periods, possibly through a mechanism unrelated to the seed's hallucinogenic effects. No conventional mediation either terminates cluster periods or extends remission periods. Clinicians should be aware of the increasing popularity of this method of self-treatment among their patients.





In 1956, the Central Intelligence Agency conducted research on the psychedelic properties of the ergine in the seeds of Rivea corymbosa, as Subproject 22 of MKULTRA.

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