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Methandriol is an anabolic steroid. Methandriol is classified as a weak anabolic with weak androgenic properties. Methandriol displays some level of estrogenic activity, making this steroid less useful for dieting. The drug is generally considered too mild and is not widely popular among bodybuilders and athletes. It seems most prominent in Australia now, where it remains included in a number of veterinary anabolic steroid products.
Methylandrostenediol (methandriol for short) is an anabolic steroid derived from dihydrotestosterone. The drug itself is manufactured in two very distinct forms. The first is unesterified (straight) methylandrostenediol, which is used when making an oral medication with this steroid (although an injectable once existed in the U.S.). It is also found as esterified methylandrostenediol dipropionate, which is prepared as an injectable. The added propionate esters in the injectable form extend the activity of the drug for several days. Basically, methandriol drugs are altered c17-alkylated forms of 5-androstenediol. Methandriol is classified as a weak anabolic with weak androgenic properties. It also seems to display some level of estrogenic activity, making this steroid less ideal for dieting. The drug is generally considered too mild, and is not widely popular among bodybuilders and athletes. Sometimes, however, it is used in place of other anabolic/androgenic agents in bulking stacks when available.

One of the more rare and exotic anabolic steroids:
Methandriol (or MAD as I like to call it) seems to be one of the more rare and exotic anabolic steroids. It is actually 5-androstenediol (5AD) that has had its chemical structure modified by adding a methyl group so the compound can resist being broken-down by the liver when taken orally. This results in better utilization by the body and is called 17-alpha alkylation (17AA). The first aspect that will be addressed is the one that most interests bodybuilders, the muscle building potential of the drug. With an anabolic (muscle building) effect of 20-60 (compared testosterone which has an anabolic rating of 100), not much muscle gain can be expected from MAD use. It is also slightly androgenic, again when compared to testosterone which has an androgenic effect of 100 MAD only rates 30-60. Methandriol low androgenic properties may be a blessing and a curse, on one hand with its low androgenic effects the drug can be used without worries by prone individuals who suffer from prostate problems, hair loss and acne. It may also be used by female bodybuilders who wish to avoid the masculinizing side effects of androgens once they stick to a reasonable dosage and cycle duration. On the other hand the benefits of using an androgenic steroid are lost, there is a direct correlation between a drugs androgenic levels and strength gains, highly androgenic steroids also tend to aid in fat loss by binding strongly to the androgen receptor (A.R). So not much muscle or strength gain from this one. So what the hell is it good for? Glad you asked. Methandriol has been shown to have an affinity for glucocorticoid-binding sites so this may result in an anti-catabolic (muscle destroying) effect by inhibiting the muscle wasting effects of glucocorticoid hormones also the parent hormone of methandriol, 5-androstenediol (5AD) has been shown to promote favorable immune function.

Magnifies the effects of other steroids:
The best results can be obtained, however, if Methandriol Dipropionate is not taken alone but in combination with another steroid. This is because Methandriol Dipropionate is able to magnify the effects of other steroid compounds. It does this by increasingly sensitizing the androgenic receptors of the muscle cell, allowing a higher amount of the steroid molecules of the additionally taken steroids to be absorbed by the receptors. This also explains why injectable Methandriol Dipropionate is only available today as a combination compound with an additional steroid substance. Injectable Methandriol Dipropionate is only available in the Australian veterinary steroids Drive, Spectriol, Geldabol, and Filibol Forte so that procurement of the compound is difficult. The few athletes using this drug report good strength gains, a solid muscle gain, and low water retention. The combination steroids aromatize only slightly so, when taking only Methandriol Dipropionate, the use of antiestrogens is perhaps appropriate. The injectable form is only slightly toxic.

Tissue Repair:
Methandriol comes as an injectable form and oral pills, all of which are highly bio-available. Its powerful tissue-formulation properties and amazing muscle-building properties make it a popular option in the sporting world. It has been supported by the fact that it can stimulate hormones responsible for tissue repair without having any adverse effects such as virilization. It is the reason it has been used for many years as a tissue-builder.

Methylandrostenediol History:
Methylandrostenediol was first described in 1935, making this a very old agent as far as synthetic anabolic steroids are concerned. Methylandrostendiol was developed into a medicine by Organon, which sold it in the United States under the Stenediol brand name in both oral (methylandrostenediol) and injectable (methylandrostendiol dipropionate) forms. Many other generics and other brands of methylandrostenediol soon followed, and the drug was a popular anabolic agent in the United States during the 1950's. Methylandrostenediol was essentially the first steroid perceived to have a notable separation of anabolic (higher) and androgenic (lower) effect, a persistent goal of pharmaceutical developers. Early product literature described it as, "a steroid which has considerable of the male hormone's tissuebuilding action without to the same extent causing virilization." It was indicated for use as a, "tissue-builder in cases of retarded growth or failure to gain weight accompanied by protein wastage, negative nitrogen balance, or failure to build body proteins." Early assessments of methylandrostenediol being primarily anabolic in nature did not hold up well with later extensive use in humans. It was eventually determined that in doses sufficient to promote weight gain, its anabolic properties were accompanied by significant androgenic activity. Ultimately, this drug would be viewed as one of balanced anabolic and androgenic action, not as a highly anabolic agent as originally thought. Organon would go on to develop more effective anabolic agents, such as their 19-nor series of drugs including Durabolin, Deca-Durabolin, and Maxibolin, and eventually discontinued the Stenediol Methandriol products. The other U.S. brand and generic forms of the drug would follow as well, although methylandrostenediol would persist in the U.S. scene for some time. Currently, no domestic source of the drug exists, although it is still found in certain international markets. It seems most prominent in Australia at the present time, where it remains included in a number of veterinary anabolic steroid products.
Methylandrostenediol Side Effects:
- Estrogenic
- Androgenic
- Hepatotoxicity
- Cardiovascular
- Testosterone Suppression
This drug is derived from androstenediol, which is a metabolite of testosterone. It has not been seen in any form for several years in the athletic community. Just recently though it has shown up in a couple of new vet drugs from Australia; Spectriol and Drive. Methandriol itself is a high anabolic, high androgenic steroid. It is used for strength and weight gains. Some lifters feel it works well stacked with injectable testosterones. One claim is that it enhances receptor stimulation, causing the drug it is stacked with to bind better to androgen sites at the cell. Perhaps this is why the two new drugs previously mentioned are combination drugs. Methandriol will aromatise and it is moderately toxic. A popular counterfeit, Abolic injection or Metabolin claimed to be Methandriol dipropionate. It was quite abundant on the market, but has pretty much disappeared from the market at this time.

The possible side effects of Methandriol Dipropionate pills:
- The liver increase secretion
- The gastrointestinal affections
- The acne
- The ginaecomasthy
- An expanded aggressiveness
- An easy arterial tension increase
Methandriol is a poor anabolic:
Methandriol dipropionate, used in some Australian veterinary products, is to be avoided by male bodybuilders. It is highly estrogenic, and has no redeeming properties. Methandriol is a poor anabolic and the mythical "receptor-cleaning" properties that have been claimed for it are pure fantasy. An anti-aromatase would not correct the estrogenic problems of methandriol dipropionate, since it is directly estrogenic, not requiring conversion by aromatase. An anti-estrogen such as Clomid would probably help, but since methandriol is a poor anabolic anyway, there is no point to a methandriol/Clomid stack.

Methandriol is rather unheard of:
Methandriol (MAD, as bodybuilders often refer to it) is a rather unheard of steroid for most people. For those familiar with the brief-lived popularity of prohormones as nutritional supplements, Methandriol's chemical name, "Methylandrostendiol" will sound more familiar . Methandriol is simply the prohormone 5-androstendiol, altered to be orally available. MAD is an Anabolic/Androgenic steroid which reportedly improves receptor affinity for/with other anabolic/androgenic compounds. This is why it has been added to several veterinary compounds, in small doses, such as Libriol, Drive, Spectriol, and Tribolan. It can provide good muscle gains along with good strength gains, and unfortunately causes high water retention as well. MAD 's supposed ability to "clean out" or potentiate androgen receptor sites is certainly possible (as other drugs have been known to increase androgen receptor concentration and number), but literature on it is scarce. In bodybuilding circles, this is it's claim to fame, however. Reportedly, long-term steroid users who had experienced so called receptor burn-out, or a possible decrease in receptor number or concentration were able to use MAD to renew gains. Recently, British Dragon has brought a solo Methandriol product to the market, and this is, at the time of this writing the only legitimate one being produced in the world today.

Primarily manufactured for use in veterinary medicine:
Methylandrostenediol is an anabolic steroid that gained popularity because of its reputation for putting on significant body mass to meat producing animals, with these results attempting to be reproduced by steroid users. The steroid utilizes 17 alpha alkylation as to better prepare the compound to resist being broken down by the liver when ingested orally. As stated, it is still primarily manufactured for use in veterinary medicine as a means to help increase weight gain in meat producing animals and was first marketed in the 1980s. For strength athletes and bodybuilders it is thought to produce weight gain in users when used in adequate doses, although these gains often result in both increases in muscle as well as water retention and body fat due to the unique characteristics of the compound.

Methandriol is not really an actual steroid. It's more of a prohormone:
Its only illegal because it's either esterized or methylated, both practices declaring any steroidal substance illegal by the catch clause for schedule III drugs. But basically its 5-androstene-3beta, 17beta-diol, better known as 5AD. A prohormone that is legally available in pure form and a rather weak one at that. Being a prohormone it means it needs to interact with an enzyme to form the active substrate. In this case 5AD is a testosterone precursor, but it only yields about 0.19% of testosterone upon interaction with the 3beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme1 it uses to convert. So in terms of active anabolic compounds you see MAD is weaker than weak. Even in legal circles 5AD isn't really used very often because there are better substances available. So what's really the use of MAD? Well it seems 5AD is a potent estrogen agonist. That means it doesn't necessarily act as an estrogen and it certainly doesn't convert to an estrogen, but that it increases the effect of circulating estrogens from other compounds. This makes MAD quite capable of increasing bulk weight (water and/or fat) quite well when stacked with a substance that aromatizes heavily, such as methandrostenolone or testosterone.





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