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NORETHANDROLONE, a nandrolone derivative, is a synthetic hormone with anabolic and androgenic properties and moderate progestational activity. It was used to treat, among others, anorexia nervosa, severe burns and trauma, decubitus ulcers, osteoporosis, gastrointestinal diseases. Its list of prescriptions included preparation for and recovery from surgery, bone fracture healing, severe or prolonged illness, and various forms of malnourishment in adults and children. It was withdrawn for the market in most countries in the 1960s, however, it remains viable on the veterinary drug market in Australia.
Nilevar was one of the first oral steroids available in the United States. It was essentially Searles answer to Cibas Dianabol (Methandrostenolone), which was released that same year. In fact, with respect to Nilevars effects on weight gain, anabolism, and water-retention, it is frequently compared to Dianabol.
Seven years prior to the release of Nilevar, the Mayo Clinic heralded the dramatic effectiveness of cortisone in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. This in turn stimulated tremendous interest in all facets of steroid chemistry, endocrinology, and related fields. G. D. Searle & Co. promptly initiated a major effort in steroid research, with the objective of discovering better steroidal compounds than were previously available, and new steroids that could be used for conditions for which no other compounds were available. This effort resulted in the introduction of Norethandrolone, marketed in 1956 as Nilevar, the first anabolic agent with a favorable separation between protein building and virilization (which is the development of androgynous characteristics).
Paradoxically, in men, only weak androgenic effects are found (possibly because it is deactivated by 5-alpha-reductase, which we don't need to delve into, just remember that in men, only mild androgenic effects are generally seen), though in women virilization is very common (for women this would mean developing male physiological characteristics: a deepening of the voice, the growth of extra body hair, and a tendency to leave the toilet seat up). I wouldn't recommend this drug for use by female athletes, not only due to these side- effects but also due to some issues with infertility, which are also possible in females, though probably not with males. The anabolic effect of this drug is moderate, and this is probably due to its moderately strong binding to the Androgen Receptor (this makes it quite different from Dianabol, which has a poor binding to the Androgen Receptor) as well as its ability to stimulate protein synthesis (which it has in common with Dianabol) and stop protein catabolism.

Norethandrolone is an anabolic steroid closely related to nortestosterone (nandrolone) in structure. The activity of this steroid is that of a mild to moderate oral anabolic steroid, which is accompanied by distinguishable androgenic and estrogenic components. Although this steroid is essentially nandrolone modified (alkylated) to make oral dosing viable, it cannot be looked at simply as an oral alternative to Deca-Durabolin. Most notably, the greatly increased estrogenicity caused by 17-alkylation makes norethandrolone much more problematic when trying to build quality (lean) muscle mass. In administering an effective amount of steroid in terms of muscle growth, the user has to deal with much more in terms of estrogenic side effects. The muscle accumulation with norethandrolone is also going to be accompanied by a high level of water and (likely) fat retention, not the quality muscularity normally associated with nandrolone decanoate.
Norethandrolone History:
Norethandrolone was first described in 1954. It was developed into a medicine by Searle, which introduced it into the U.S. prescription drug market under the Nilevar brand name during the late 1950's. The drug was originally sold as an oral tablet, an oral solution (with dropper bottle), and an injectable solution (in 25 mg ampules). The latter form of norethandrolone has been out of commerce for so long that few remember it was once also given by injection. Nilevar was prescribed for a variety of illnesses that were benefited by a protein sparing anabolic agent, Listed indications included preparation for and recovery from surgery, severe or prolonged illness, anorexia nervosa, severe burns and trauma, decubitus ulcers, osteoporosis, bone fracture healing, gastrointestinal disease, prolonged corticosteroid administration, and various forms of malnourishment in adults and children.
Norethandrolone ultimately saw only limited success as a prescription anabolic agent. It did make its way to Europe and certain other markets, but not widely. The drug was an early functional anabolic, displaying more tissue-building properties than androgenic effects. But it also remained an agent with a troubling estrogenic side. This eventually led to norethandrolone being passed over clinically for more refined compounds as they became available. Searle decided to discontinue the sale of Nilevar in the U.S. during the 1960's, and instead began focusing energies on its newer, more strongly anabolic, and non-estrogenic steroid oxandrolone (sold as Anavar). Most other markets carrying norethandrolone, either by Searle or other companies, soon began losing this compound as well. Today, this drug is available on a limited basis, most notably in Australia where it remains viable on the veterinary drug market.

Main risks and target organs:
There is no serious risk from acute poisoning, but chronic use can cause harm. The main risks are those of excessive androgens: menstrual irregularities and virilization in women and impotence, premature cardiovascular disease and prostatic hypertrophy in men. Both men and women can suffer liver damage with oral anabolic steroids containing a substituted 17-alpha-carbon. Psychiatric changes can occur during use or after cessation of these agents.

A synthetic androgen and anabolic steroid medication which has been used to promote muscle growth and to treat severe burns, physical trauma, and aplastic anemia but has mostly been discontinued. It is still available for use in France however. It is taken by mouth. Side effects of norethandrolone include symptoms of masculinization like acne, increased hair growth, voice changes, and increased sexual desire. It can also cause estrogenic effects like fluid retention, breast tenderness, and breast enlargement in men and liver damage. It has strong anabolic effects relative to its androgenic effects. It also has strong progestogenic effects. Norethandrolone was discovered in 1953 and was introduced for medical use in 1956. It was the first AAS with a favorable separation of anabolic and androgenic effect to be marketed. The drug was mostly withdrawn in the 1980s due to concerns of liver damage.

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