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- Stenbolone is an anabolic - androgenic steroid of the dihydrotestosterone group patented by Schering AG but never marketed.
- Ester prodrug of stenbolone, stenbolone acetate is used as an anabolic - androgenic steroid for depot intramuscular injection under the brand names Anatrofin and Stenobolone.
Anatrofin (stenbolone acetate) is an injectable anabolic steroid that was developed in the 1960's in Germany. As a matter of fact, steroid guru Dan Duchaine considered anatrofin as one of his favorite steroids, and has written that if he had to pick one compound to run for the rest of his life, he would choose anatrofin. Unfortunately, this compound is very difficult to find today, and even though there were rumors of possibly only one company still producing it overseas, they were not confirmed. Nevertheless, there is always the possibility of this compound regaining its popularity, especially if the appeal for the lean muscle mass look will return to bodybuilding again.

- Stenbolone acetate was first marketed by Syntex in 1963, but has since been discontinued almost 15 years ago now, despite a great popularity. I get the strange impression that a lot of popular steroids disappeared around that time, which is a real shame. Syntex had previously marketed oxymetholone, but with the high doses needed of oxymetholone and its poor androgenic properties, it lead to problems with excessive bloating, gyno and liver toxicity. Syntex's answer was Stenbolone. It was mistakenly called injectable anadrol by a lot of users, even though the steroids were as different as night and day. Stenbolone actually closely resembles the steroid methenolone (Primobolan).
The acetate ester on stenbolone only lasted two days at best, so it was to be injected daily for proper effect. So for convenience one would have preferred methenolone enanthate over stenbolone acetate. A good use for a shorter ester may have been to avoid testing positive in a drug test. The shorter ester could be used longer, closer to contest time, and needed less time to clear the blood and urine. But oddly enough stenbolone disappeared off the market around the time that drug testing became really popular. In that aspect stenbolone was ahead of its time. The use of such a drug, being mild and non-aromatizing, was mainly as a base compound during cutting phases. An athlete would find that stenbolone made a great anti-catabolic, that allowed him to keep his mass while on a hardcore diet.

- The unvarnished truth is that this AAS is a shrouded compound due to its rare presence in the market. When it was originally compounded/designed in the early 60's it was off the same pillar of 1-Testosterone but modified by the 2-methyl group. Its said to be slightly weaker than its relative 1-Test when compared by similar dosages, yet its said to be almost 2-3 x its anabolic output when compared on a pound for pound scale. As time continued it was seen to have little clinical use and was ultimately discharged from the market because phrama groups dubbed it useless and financial support was lacking because of other alternative drugs that functioned much similar and already had a name for themselves. This has continued to haunt its survival even there after when it was discontinued but picked up by the black market where it hardly got the recognition and notoriety that it rightful deserves. Little has known about this agent as the pharmacodynamics of this compounds has been scarce. Over the years it has been elusive thus even today little is truly known about it in the bodybuilding/athletic performance communities, but for those that have had experience with it all share different concepts about its functionality and maybe this is due to its limited appearance/usage in the anabolic circuit world wide. But for those that have used it during its highlight which was a sort period of time claimed it as a valuable and unique compound, users would often search far and wide to procure this rare performance enhancement drug, before it ultimately seen its fate and faded out of circulation in the start of the 1980's.

Stenbolone Acetate has not been manufactured since the late 1980's. Stenbolone was a popular steroid, with many potential customers even today. Stenbolone was introduced on the market in 1963 by Syntex, the company that produced the popular steroids Anadrol, Oxitosona (o.c.), and Anapolon. It is therefore not surprising that Stenbolone has an application similar to the other three compounds. Syntex developed Stenbolone as a mild alternative to the more toxic Anadrol. And the company was successful because Stenbolone is neither liver toxic nor does it aromatize, and it is only slightly androgenic. In addition, it has a similar effect to Anadrol in cases of anemia with abnormal blood formation since it increases the number of red blood cells. For this reason Stenbolone is especially suitable for competing athletes since it accelerates regeneration when dieting.


Stenbolone Acetate:
- Acetate ester of stenbolone
- A synthetic androstane steroid
- A derivative of DHT
- It is closely related structurally to drostanolone, 1-testosterone, and methylstenbolone.

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