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Created Jan 2021



Acetone diethyl sulfone

DEA CODE 2610: Schedule 3



Sulfonmethane (also known as acetone diethylsulfone) was discovered as a hypnotic drug. Sulfonmethane was to be one of Bayer's first profitable pharmaceutical products. It retained its popularity until the introduction of the more rapidly acting barbiturates rendered it obsolete. Newer and safer sedatives are used now.

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NLM PDF Sulfonal

  • First synthesized in 1888
  • Introduced as a hypnotic drug but now superseded by newer and safer sedatives
  • It's either colorless crystalline or powdered form
  • It produces lengthened sleep in functional nervous insomnia
  • Very uncertain in its action, often failing to produce sleep when taken at bedtime, but producing drowsiness and sleep the following day
  • It is unwise to use it continuously for more than a few days at a time, as it tends to produce the sulfonal habit
  • Many fatal cases of sulfonal poisoning are on record, both from chronic poisoning and from a single large dose.

Its hypnotic power is not equal to that of chloral, but as it is not a depressant to the heart or respiration it can be used when morphine or chloral are contra-indicated.

Related Substances:
Created Jan 2021



Analogue of Sulfonmethane

DEA CODE 2600: Schedule 3

  • A sedative-hypnotic anesthetic drug
  • Introduced in 1888

It is not as effective as trional.

Created Jan 2021



Analogue of Sulfonmethane

DEA CODE 2605: Schedule 3



1899 Bayer Advertisement: Trional The Safest Hypnotic:

Trional The Safest Hypnotic

  • A sedative-hypnotic anesthetic drug
  • Introduced in 1888
  • First approved in 1895
  • Appeared in Agatha Christie's "Murder on the Orient Express", "And Then There Were None" as a sleep inducing sedative

It has similar effects to sulfonal, except it is faster acting.

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